
Home/Bill Kittel

About Bill Kittel

Bill has over thirty-five years management experience in both traditional (general advertising) and direct response marketing, advertising and public relations with advertising agencies, newspapers and radio stations. He has extensive experience in television production (Little Giant Ladders being the most well known) and radio production (numerous advertising campaigns, nationally syndicated radio shows) in addition to media buying, print design and production, Internet marketing, business development, strategic planning and marketing research.

The Barry Marketing Group Infomercial Succeeds for CarMD

Fountain Valley California, March 31, 2010 - - As reported in the Corporate Case Study of the March Response magazine, the CarMD infomercial produced by The Barry Marketing Group, in conjunction with Infomercial Consulting, kicks off a major direct marketing campaign. The case study confirms the success of the Barry Marketing Group production for CarMD,

New Infomercial Released From Barry Marketing

Los Angeles, California - - - CarMD ( has picked leading Utah-based infomercial production company, The Barry Marketing Group, to produce and air a new half-hour national television infomercial. CarMD is an award-winning (PC World and the 2007 CES Innovations) diagnostic system which allows owners to quickly and easily check their vehicles when the “check

Barry Marketing Group Receives 2009 Best of Salt Lake City Award

WASHINGTON D.C.-- Barry Marketing Group has been selected for the 2009 Best of Salt Lake City Award in the Television Film Production category by the U.S. Commerce Association (USCA). The USCA "Best of Local Business" Award Program recognizes outstanding local businesses throughout the country. Each year, the USCA identifies companies that they believe have achieved

Infomercials Lack Star Power After Billy Mays Death

By Sinead Carew NEW YORK (Reuters) - After starting out selling household wares on the boardwalk in Atlantic City, Billy Mays made it big in advertising when he took his sales skills to television to promote a stain remover. Now the infomercial industry is in need of a new star after the death on Sunday

Barry Marketing Group Launches New FRIIS Campaign

Salt Lake City, Utah - - -The Barry Marketing Group, a leading infomercial marketing company has launched another new Direct Response campaign. The FRIIS Coffee Savor is a designer canister with a patented one-way valve that allows the gasses that are generated in roasting and grinding, which degrade coffee flavor, to escape. The FRIIS Freshness

New Infomercial Campaign

The Barry Marketing Group, a full service film and video production company, has just launched a new short-form infomercial television campaign in California for The American Credit Foundation. ACF is a non-profit foundation providing credit counseling for families and individuals with credit problems, plus free newsletters and a booklet called Become Debt-Free in Record Time.

Little Giant Solutions Deploys Military Secrets In New Ladder

SPRINGVILLE, Utah – August 8, 2008. Little Giant Solutions recently announced the release of the Little Giant® RevolutionXETM multi-use ladder system. The RevolutionXE, which is based on the original Little Giant Ladder design, weighs 20 percent less than any competing multi-use ladder. Little Giant Solutions recently secured the exclusive rights to LiteWaveTM technology (the same

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